Amber Heard complains of a "hate campaign" during her legal battle against Johnny Depp

Amber Heard complains of a "hate campaign" during her legal battle against Johnny Depp

  • Amber Heard said the "hate and vitriol online" campaign she was subjected to during her legal battle with Johnny Depp prevented her from getting fair representation on social media.

  • The jury in the case had ruled that the actress's allegations about being assaulted contributed to the baseless defamation of Depp.

  • In her first media interview since the sentencing, heard said she did not blame the jury for believing Depp's allegations.

  • "For three weeks, they listened to relentless testimonies about 'my lack of credibility," she added.

  • NBC aired a short excerpt of the interview on Monday and will air more later this week.

  • The star of the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean" received more support than his ex-wife on social media during the trial, and some of Depp's supporters harshly criticized her and strongly doubted her credibility.

  • Speaking to MBC, the actress said: "I don't care what other people think about me and what judgments they make about what happened inside my house, in my marriage, behind closed doors. I don't think there's a need for the average person to know these things, I don't take things personally. But even those who think that I deserve all this hatred and vitriol, and even if they think that I am lying, will not be able to look me in the eye and claim that there was a fair representation of things. "You cannot tell me that justice has been served.

  • A jury in Virginia had sentenced heard to pay Depp$ 10.35 million, after finding that Heard had defamed her ex-husband about domestic violence. Hurd said she would appeal the ruling.

  • The jury also awarded two million dollars in damages in favor of hearing in a counterclaim she filed against Depp.

  • When the interviewer told her that the jury thought she had lied, Hird replied: "How can they judge, how can they not come to that conclusion?" They sat in their chairs and listened to a stream of testimony from paid employees, and at the end of the trial from unknown individuals," he said.

  • She added that she understood why they had made that ruling.

  • She said: "I don't blame them, I understand them. He is a beloved character, people think they know him. He's a great actor".

  • The reporter replied in response to her statements that the task of the jury is not to be influenced by his personality and situation, but to look at the facts and evidence, and they did not believe what she said, and she replied, "again, I say: how can they, After listening for three weeks to testimonies that I am not trustworthy, believe any word I say?"

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